Cookie Policy

For the Articles. 13 and 122 of D. Lgs. 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”), and pursuant to the provisions of the General measure of Garante per la protezione dei dati personali n. 229/2014 of 8 May 2014, The Italian Planners (, data treatment holder, provides to the site users through this extensive information some information about the cookies we use and how to disable them.
For any questions  about the information or if you do not agree with the indications of it, before using this site, please disable cookies using the instructions in chapter COOKIE MANAGEMENT OPTIONS or contact us by email to Please note that this Policy may be subject to updates in accordance with the European and national law, so please check this page constantly in order to ensure that you agree with any changes.

  1. What are cookies?
    Cookies are text files that store information on your hard disk, on your tablet, on your smartphone or on the browser you use. Cookies act as a memory for a website, allowing the recognition from the website of your device to your every subsequent visit to the same site. Cookies make easier the conservation of your preferences on the website and, noting how you use the site, allowing to improve the capabilities and its overall usability.
    During the site navigation, you may receive on your hardware even third-party cookies, which are not under our control, set directly from managers of such websites and used for the purposes and in the manner defined by these.
  2. Type of cookie
    • Cookie of the Holder
      The site uses technical cookies, with respect to which, pursuant to art. 122 of the privacy code and Authority Provision of 8 May 2014, doesn’t require the consent from the person concerned. More precisely, the site uses:

      • PHPSESSID (stores user session)
        In the absence of this cookie the site may not work properly.
      • cookie_accepted (remember the acceptance by users of the information relating to the use of cookies.)
        In the absence of this cookie it will not be saved the acceptance of cookies by the user.
        localstorage_wishlist (remember the selected photo gallery by user.)
    • – Third Party Cookies
      The website you are visiting may allow that Third Party cookies are set in services present in it. These cookies are not under our control. Below you can find more information about the use of cookies used by Third Party.
  3. Type Cookies and Intended use
    • 3.1 Google Analytics
      These cookies are used to collect information in an anonymous format on which visitors use our website and this allows us to improve usability.
      It is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. that uses cookies that are stored on your PC, smartphone and tablet user to allow statistical analysis in aggregate form in order to the use of the website visited. The data generated by Google Analytics are stored by Google as indicated in the Information found at the following link:
      To consult the privacy policy of the company Google Inc., owner of the independent processing of data relating to the service Google Analytics, please refer to the website
      To monitor the collection of data for the purpose of analysis by Google Analytics, visit the Browser Add to Google Analytics Opt
    • 3.2 Google Adwords
      The site also uses Google Adwords remarketing tool. This tool allows to publish customized ads based on user visits to our site. Why some pages include a code called “Remarketing code”. This code allows to read and configure the browser cookies to determine what type of ad will see, depending on the data you visit the site, such as for example the circuit chosen navigation, pages actually visited or the actions of all ‘interior of the same.
    • 3.3 The created Remarketing lists thus are stored in a database server of Google in which are retained all cookie IDs associated with each list or interest category. The information obtained allow to identify only the browser, given that with this information Google is not able to identify the user.
      For more information on Google’s Remarketing you can visit
      For more information on the Standards and Principles Google Privacy you can visit
      The authorization for the collection and storage of data may be revoked at any time. The user can disable the use of cookies by Google by the specific setting options of the different browsers. For more information:
    • 3.4 Ads Preferences Manager
      Provisions for the decommissioning of Behavioral Advertising. Add-ons to disable Google Analytics.
      3.5 Social network
      Social buttons used allow the social network represented by the icon which refers to capture data related to the visit. Through the use of these buttons they are therefore installed third-party cookies, including profiling. The site, however, does not share any user information or navigation data acquired through the site, from social networks thanks to the social buttons. Shows the link where the user can look the privacy policy for the management of data by the Social represented by the specific buttons:
      To prevent the monitoring by the Social media widget, make the log out from all social networks to which you have logged in before you visit our website.
    • 3.6 Add This
      The site uses Add This, that allows to add and make the management of buttons on some social networks so you can share content on various social platforms.
      The use of these sharing buttons involves the installation of cookies, including profiling, of the third-party company that provides the service. The site, however, does not share any user information or navigation data acquired using these buttons, except for some data in the aggregate. Is possible to know the privacy policy for the users who use the AddThis Sharing Button at the following link:
      To cancel:
  4. Cookie management options
    You can refuse, disable cookies from your browser and delete all cookies that are currently stored on your computer by intervening in the settings of your web browser. Keep in mind that changing the cookie settings on your browser might prevent the possibility to benefit fully of the website features. Each browser has different procedures for managing settings. Select below the browser you are using, for information on how to change your cookie settings.
    Microsoft Internet Explorer
    Google Chrome
    Mozilla Firefox
    Apple Safari (iOS)
    Disabling third party cookies is also possible through the procedures available directly from the third company holder for treatment, as indicated at the links listed in the “third-party cookies.”
  5. Method of treatment
    The treatment is done with automated tools from the Holder. No disclosure or communication are made.
  6. Conferment of data
    The conferment of data is left to the will of the person who decides to browse the site after having read the brief contained in the appropriate banner and to use the services that require the installation of cookie (eg. Add This). You can avoid the installation of cookies while keeping the banner on (can not closing or not accepting the information short) and through special functions available on your browser.
  7. Data Retention
    The retention of personal data will take place in paper and / or electronic / IT format and for the time strictly necessary in compliance with your privacy and current regulations.
    In the case of active users, the content generated by the user will be stored for 36 months for reasons of security, prevention and moderation of content and / or conduct contrary to the conditions of the TIP service in order to ensure a better quality of service also in collaboration with the Authorities. For purposes of analysis directed to the development and improvement of the service, the personal data of the user may be subject to the same retention period.
    For direct marketing and profiling purposes ,we keep your data for a maximum period equal to that foreseen by the applicable legislation (respectively equal to 24 and 12 months).
    Any invoices, accounting documents and transaction data are stored for 11 years in accordance with the law (including tax obligations). In the case of the exercise of the right to be forgotten through the request for explicit cancellation of personal data processed by the owner, we remind you that such data will be kept, in a protected form and with restricted access, only for purposes of ascertainment and repression of crimes, no more than 12 months from the date of the request and will subsequently be securely deleted or anonymised irreversibly. If you do not exercise any active action (such as browsing, searching and / or any other way of using the service) on TIP for a period of 27 months, you will be classified as an inactive user and your personal data will be deleted automatically.
  8. User Rights
    According to the art. 7 of D.Lgs. 30 June 2003 n. 196 on the protection of personal data, you have the right to receive all the information about the data stored and you can request the correction, blocking or deletion of them. You can raise at any time the rights under Art. 7 of D.Lgs. 30 June 2003 n. 196  by sending an email to